We welcome your calls during business hours (EST) or weekends. We return most e-mails within 24 hours. We are a home-based business, so please excuse us if we don’t always answer “Shaker View Furniture.”
If you live in Maine or here on vacation, please feel free to call ahead and visit Chuck and Ralph as they build chairs in our workshop.
Want to see and touch our chairs? Visit one of our retail locations or plan a visit. We are located approximately 1 hour north of Portland, a ½ hour off the Maine Turnpike Exit 11.
Phone or fax toll free: 866.539.8172
301 Robinson Hill Road
Oxford, ME 04270

We have four red-maple ladderback sides, with green and green tape--ready to ship. There is nothing wrong with these chairs! Customer wanted weaveback instead.
Take 10% off our regular pricing. SOLD
1) Specify style, ladderback or weaveback.
2) Specify finish and tape colors:
black, clear lacquer, honey maple, red maple, walnut, new cherry and mahogany.
Note: Our new cherry finish matches a cherry table.
Tape colors:
cranberry, red, black, navy blue, slate blue, medium blue, beige, light beige, natural, green, forest green
(see picture), raffia, butternut (not shown)
3) Decide if you want shawl rail and Fabric Guard coating.
4) Questions or ready to order? Then email, fax or call us with all the information. Orders are shipped within six to eight weeks.

Phone or fax toll free: 866.539.8172
301 Robinson Hill Road
Oxford, ME 04270
Have a special occasion? We will try to accommodate rush orders. Please call ahead.