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Stay nearby at Hillside Cottages with our friends, Deb and Keith Ladner.
Or for another great place to stay, consider a classic: Poland Spring Inn or the always warm and welcoming Mollyocket Motel.
Stop by Abbington Village for tours and other New England tourist information.
Thinking about a vacation?
Visit our friends and mentors in business Maine Cottage Furniture.
Find other great furniture makers at CustomMade.com.
Canterbury Shaker Village, NH
Hancock Shaker Village, NY
Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village, ME
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, KY
Shaker Museum of South Union, KY
U.S. City Directory
Chair HQ
Please meet a new and very special friend, Miguel Berrios who sent us one of his handcrafted Shaker needles for weaving. Visit his website where he shares what he has learned about Shaker chairs.
In case you are looking for a horse, try our friends Pat and Cassi Martin at Painted Pony Sport Horses!
Visit their webpage and ask us to see pictures of soapstone installed in our new kitchen.
I am happy to report that Shaker View Furniture is back in full production. Many of our former customers have returned and we have welcomed several new ones as well. Chuck and Ralph love the new shop. It is brighter and bigger than the old one with a great new dust collection system. The chairs are as simple, elegant, comfortable and colorful as before. If we haven't heard from you; we hope we will soon!
I can't believe that over a year has gone by since the fire. We have heard from customers all year long and you have been amazingly patient. Here is what I have to report: The shop is built and almost all insulated. All parts are on order. Almost all the equipment has been purchased. That means we should be able to start soon. We have spent much time getting the excavation done on the outside of the house and shop. It was a much bigger job than we had anticipated and has slowed us down considerably but had to be done before winter. At $1000/day, we couldn't pay an excavator for long--hence the delay!
Thank you thank you to all who have waited and called. We cannot tell you how much it has meant to us to know that customers still want the chairs! We'll be in touch soon!
Tomorrow they break ground
on the new shop! It is has been almost
four months since the fire. Though we
are comfortably settled in a rental, we
miss home and our routines. Thank you
for checking in with us to learn of progress.
We have ordered our first two pieces of
equipment. There is still much to make
the house livable before we begin making
chairs again, but we are optomistic it
will happen in the next several months.
We'll be sure to keep you informed. Just email
us to let us know you'd like to be
August 3, 2004, Shaker
View Furniture experienced a lightning
strike and fire that destroyed our barn
and shop and severely damaged our home.
But rebuilding has begun. Please contact
us to find a retailer near you who
still has stock or if you wish to be added
to our mailing list to be notified when
we are ready to ship. Willing to wait?
call or fax us with your order.
We especially want to thank
Country Barn, New England Home Furnishings
(517-265-8254) and Chilton's
for your exceptional support. Thank you!
Each chair is now individually branded with the Shaker View name. Look for it when you receive your next order.
Two new colors available: Raffia and Butternut brown. Call or email for samples.
We are pleased to announce that we now take VISA and Mastercard!
Look for our chairs with other fine Maine-made products on the "Online Open House Tour" at www.mainemade.com. This new showcase debuted in mid-September! Click on the products displayed in the home, and product/manufacturer information will magically pop up.
The Fine Furnishings Providence Show, was held November 7-9, 2003. It was great to see so many new faces. Many people picked up our literature. If you would like a post-card or price list, just email us. We'd be happy to send one.
